Spring Cleaning in the Studio
This has been a whirlwind month! As it is the first day of spring I had to mention all the fun things I'm looking forward to in the next few months! The after school teaching will be wrapping up in April and I will be busy with my newborn so I may be in hiatus for a little while as the beginning of summer takes off. But there's a lot happening that is really exciting!

Of course one of the top on that list is Moccafest the first weekend of April in NYC. If you haven't heard of it you must get down there and heck it out! They have a very small entrance fee for the day but it's an art event packed with illustrators and comic artists for two days straight. With special guests like Becky Cloonan and Drew Friedman and everything between, how could you miss out? Plus the floors are always packed with tables chalk full of goodies and prints and comics often hand made by the artists. Learn more here at Moccafest's website:https://www.societyillustrators.org/events/mocca-arts-festival-guests-honor
Along with this event is also the Five Points Fest which is home of the designer toy awards and it's running the weekend of May 20. You have to see it to believe it and I always have to bring home something fun. Check it out here:http://fivepointsfest.com/faqs/
Have an amazing and artistic spring and let's get some warmer weather soon!